Winter | Terms & Conditions | 30.11.24 – 21.04.25. | For bookings der er lavet efter 01.02.2024 

1. General information about the Rent/Accommodation contract 
AlpenTravel GmbH serves as an agent and is responsible for the Rent/Accommodation contract between the apartment owner and the guest as well as the information on 

The agency liability is limited to that brought about through gross negligence or malice. Apart from the stipulations listed below, there are special conditions applicable to the individual holiday apartments.   

2. Completion of contract 
The contract is deemed completed as soon as the accommodation is ordered/booked. 

The contract is binding once the guest has paid the first installment. The agreed payment is to be made within 7 days of the issue of the booking confirmation. The guest is obliged to check the travel documents and practical information issued to them and to report to AlpenTravel GmbH forthwith in the event of the information not meeting their expectations.  

3. Payment 
The Rent/Accommodation contract is confirmed by the guest through the payment of the first payment or the full rental amount. The amount must be received within 7 days or the contract is deemed null and void. 

Prepayment: You will be charged a prepayment of 20% of the total price after reservation and the remaining amount 42 days before arrival. 

If the remaining amount is not duly paid then AlpenTravel GmbH is entitled to rescind the contract. 

4. Price changes after the completion of contract 
AlpenTravel GmbH is entitled to change the rent in the event of new or changed taxes, duties and charges being introduced or through exchange rate fluctuations. 

Price changes based on the above mentioned circumstances are not permitted to exceed 10% of the rental amount and a report  to this effect must be received by the guest no later than 42 days before arrival. If the exchange rate for the Euro increases significantly then the price for the holiday apartment will increase accordingly. 

5.  Cancellations and changes 
You will be charged 100% of the total price if you cancel within 42 days before arrival.  

A cancellation or change is considered to be valid with the receipt of the respective information in writing. The guest is entitled to cancel the booking for the holiday apartment within 42 days before arrival in the event of acts of war, natural disasters, life threatening and infectious diseases or other events of the same nature taking place at the travel destination or in the immediate vicinity. In these instances AlpenTravel GmbH follows the appropriate official 
recommendations issued by the ministry of foreign affairs.  

The right of free of charge cancellation by the guest however does not apply if the guest was alreadyaware of the applicable event at the completion of the Rent/Accommodationcontract, or if the event was already public knowledge. If the guest cancels regardless then the above listed cancellation policy of AlpenTravel GmbH takes effect. 

6. Provision of a replacement accommodation 
AlpenTravel GmbH can provide the guest with a suitable replacement accommodation acceptable to the guest, especially if the change is minor and reasonably justified. 

A reasonable justification takes place for example, when the accommodation is deemed unusable, guests already occupying the accommodation extend their stay or other important operational measures require this action. 

Any additional expenses for the replacement accommodation are met by AlpenTravel GmbH. 

7. Rights and responsibilities of the guests 
By completing an accommodation contract, the guest purchases the usual rights for the use of the rented premises and the facilities of the accommodating establishment, which are usually made available for use by the guest without any special conditions. 

For damages caused by the guest the compensation law regulations apply. Consequently the guest shall be liable for any damages and any detriment suffered by AplenTravel GmbH or by third parties, through their fault or through the fault of their companions or any other person that they are responsible for, even when the injured party is entitled to claim damages directly from AlpenTravel GmbH. 

8. Rights and responsibilities of AlpenTravel GmbH 

If the guest refuses to pay the stipulated payments or is in arrears with such, then AlpenTravel GmbH has the right to retain any belongings brought in by the guest, as a security for the debt ensuing from the accommodation and outlays on behalf of the guest. 

AlpenTravel GmbH is obliged to provide the agreed services to an appropriate standard. 

9. AlpenTravel GmbH’s passiver
AlpenTravel GmbH er forpligtet til at yde den i normale forretningstransaktioner sædvanlige omhu i forbindelse med de forpligtelser, der følger af kontrakten, og erstatningskrav fra gæstens side er udelukket. Undtaget herfra er skader, som gæsten har lidt inden for rammerne af etablissementet, hvis skyld kan tilskrives AlpenTravel GmbH eller dets medarbejdere.

AlpenTravel GmbH påtager sig intet ansvar over for gæsten, hvis det ikke er muligt at levere ydelserne på grund af strejker eller naturkatastrofer.

10. Termination of the accommodation 
If the contract has been agreed for a specific period then the contract terminates at the end of that period. If the guest departs early then AlpenTravel GmbH is entitled to demand the full payment as agreed. 

Kontrakten ophæves, hvis gennemførelsen af kontrakten umuliggøres af begivenheder, der anses for at være naturkatastrofer. AlpenTravel GmbH er berettiget til at annullere leje-/logi aftalen med øjeblikkelig virkning, hvis gæsten:
a) groft misbruger boligen eller opfører sig ubetænksomt, fornærmende eller på anden måde groft uhensigtsmæssigt eller begår en ulovlig handling over for ejendommen, anstændigheden eller den fysiske sikkerhed for en anden person, der bor i boligen;
b) undlader at betale fakturaer for fremsatte krav inden for en rimelig frist.

11. Husorden
Der gøres særskilt opmærksom på husreglerne, som er en integreret del af denne kontrakt.

12. Fuldbyrdelsessted og kompetent domstol
Fuldbyrdelsesstedet er det sted, hvor den indkvarteringsvirksomhed befinder sig. For alle aftalepartnere i den indkvarteringsvirksomhed og eventuelle verserende retstvister er der enighed om, at retten i 5020 Salzburg er den kompetente domstol, medmindre der foreligger modstridende, tvingende juridiske grunde. Alle sager er udelukkende underlagt østrigsk lovgivning.

13. Afsluttende bestemmelser
Hvis enkelte bestemmelser i de generelle betingelser i denne boligkontrakt er ugyldige, berøres de øvrige bestemmelser ikke af deres gyldighed. Retten til fejlrettelser samt udskrifts- og regnefejl forbliver uændret.

14. Tryk- og prisfejl
Vi tager forbehold for trykfejl og prisfejl.

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